Systems Integration and Reporting
Ambitious businesses need efficient and scalable systems and processes. They allow a business to flourish while continuing to provide good service, maintain high margins, and generate cash.
On the other hand, systems that don’t talk to each other make a simple business complicated – poor integration leads to manual work, errors, and other issues. Poor information means that decisions are based on gut feeling rather than hard fact; time and effort are wasted; and customer service inevitably declines. And poor internal systems can prevent you from rolling out digital initiatives – quite simply, you can’t be digital on the outside unless you’re digital on the inside.
Often, integration problems are a mix of technology, process, organization and people issues. To address all these problems, our Principals ask the most basic questions: are your systems really driven by the needs of your customers, or simply by the historic way of doing things?
We will honestly assess these factors and get to root causes. We then put in place a budgeted plan with clear benefits and ensure that those changes are delivered. It may be simple, minor fixes, or a whole new back-office ERP system.
But integration is about more than just fixing technology! We take responsibility for ensuring that the business upside is actually delivered.
If you’d like to know more about how we can help you with your business systems integration challenges, visit us at our website or contact us directly. We’d be happy to have a conversation with you.
Visit our ERP and Integration Knowledge Center for more on smoothing out systems and processes.