Bagging the benefits of BYOD
More and more people are using their own technology routinely for work, a trend that’s called Bring your Own Device (BYOD). For example, many use their own phones for work, or their own iPads, and some even bring their own laptops into the office as well.
BYOD works because people will use their own equipment when it suits them, whether it’s for the occasional evening email, or working from home for several days per week. It also works because many of the devices that people buy for themselves are better than what they get from the office. And staff will normally be more familiar and productive with their own devices.
The obvious opportunity for CEOs is to simply reduce their IT costs with BYOD. But many executives meet with resistance from their IT team or suppliers. To learn how to get past these challenges, and to seize the opportunity of BYOD, download the CEO’s briefing below:

Bring your own device to work (BYOD)
More and more people are using their own technology routinely for work, a trend that’s called Bring your Own Device (BYOD). Discover what the possible concerns and opportunities there are in this initiative.
Download now for FREE!This briefing looks at the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend which is becoming increasingly popular. We drill into the concerns your IT department might have, the opportunity for reduced technical costs, improved productivity, reduced staff frustration, flexible working and capability to move business services to the cloud. We review the risks related to security such as what data should be accessible on personal devices, how data is stored, whether its secure and encrypted and the movement of data between devices. There are also impacts to the Finance and HR teams and their policies which are covered in this briefing.
If you found this post relevant you might also want to read our How to make working from homework briefing.
For any advice or if you’d like to discuss how these working initiatives could work successfully in your own business get in touch: